What an eventful week. Though my travel plans for spring break ended up not working out, the break was still very good. The most important part was getting to spend time with my dad and the entire family. I haven’t seen him in over a year until this break, and he is going back to Nigeria. Too bad my brother is not big on being in photos, or else this could have been a nice family picture.
I got to see some old friends, as well as get to know some people better. I went to Adventure Landing. It’s been a long time but I really enjoyed it. Good times at Panera Bread, Fox and Hound, good times at Chipotle, Adventure Landing, and Applebee’s. It’s the simple things I enjoy the most.
I had quite the reunion this Thursday on the way back to Austin. It is good not to lose contact with very important people from your past, regardless of the circumstances. Needless to say it was a very good reunion.
Anyways St. Patrick’s Day was great downtown, and a friend will have quite the story to tell someday haha.
I participated in my first SXSW event ever by going to Rachael Ray’s event. I haven’t had an experience like yesterday in a long time.
It’s time to get back to reality though, and keep working on several side projects along with studying for classes. This coming Friday, March 25 of 2011, Sucker Punch comes out. I suggest you all find time to watch this movie, then watch it again. I am beyond pumped for this movie! I know it won’t disappoint. Take care for now all. Seriously, please go see this movie.